For Participants2023-03-23T17:57:49+00:00

Participate In A Clinical Trial

Making profound changes in patients lives.

Benefits of participating in a clinical trial

  • Receive high quality care and close monitoring by our doctors, who are on verge of scientific breakthroughs
  • Study related medications at no cost
  • Compensation for time and travel
  • No health insurance required

Myths About Clinical Research

If you sign up for a clinical trial, you lose control of your personal health information2023-03-23T17:41:35+00:00

The sharing of personal health information among physicians, patients, and healthcare providers occurs in order to maximize informed treatment decisions. This data sharing also allows for researchers to continue to build on their available information. Although information sharing is an important aspect of research, it is also important that it is shared in a responsible manner that minimizes any risk of leaks of personal information. When participating in a clinical trial, a large amount of health-related data (weight, height, blood pressure, medical history, etc) is obtained, but when shared, it is stripped of any personal identifiers. This certifies that when a researcher goes to access your data that confidentiality is maintained.

Being in a clinical trial won’t help you2023-03-23T17:41:14+00:00

Clinical trials are often on the forefront of the medical field in that they utilize the most effective and modern medicines for treatment. In most instances, patients who participate in clinical trials have outcomes at least as good, if not better, compared to the general population. Clinical trials are known to be a “last resort” option when there are no other treatments or interventions that work. However, this is not always the case. In fact, there are many clinical trials that involve an additional treatment or an adjustment to a current treatment plan. For this reason, clinical trials are not only geared towards the newly diagnosed or severe cases but can encompass the whole spectrum of health conditions.

Every clinical trial uses a placebo as a comparison2023-03-23T17:40:53+00:00

Whether the comparison treatment is a placebo or not depends entirely on the type of trial being conducted. Instead of placebo, some trials compare a new therapy to an already existing therapy or even different dosages of the same therapy. Instances where a placebo is relevant are during investigations of a condition that has no existing treatment, or where the condition isn’t life-threatening or debilitating. When investigating treatments for conditions that are life-threatening or debilitating. the patients either receive the current standard of care or the investigational treatment, never a placebo. Placebo comparisons are generally used if a standard of care has not been established for a particular disease or condition.

Your doctor will tell you if there’s a clinical trial that might benefit you2023-03-23T17:40:26+00:00

While your doctor may be able suggest relevant trials, there are more than 400,000 clinical trials that are authorized in the United States each year. Although your doctor may know of some trials that are relevant in their network, there are many more available that may be beyond your provider’s professional network. If you are interested in looking for more information about available trials, the U.S. National Library of Medicine site is an excellent resource.

Clinical trial participants are human guinea pigs2023-03-23T17:40:09+00:00

Medications, including the currently approved medications, are extensively analyzed to ensure that they are safe and effective. Before medications are even eligible for human clinical trials, they undergo a rigorous research period that identifies the particular individuals that would benefit from the medication. Through this process, the research team can establish particular eligibility criteria that are considered extensively before enrolling any participant into a trial. Only if you are deemed eligible will you be enrolled and administered an investigational product. Additionally, prior to the eligibility determination, you are provided with all the pertinent information you need to make the most informed decision about participation. If enrolled as a participant in a trial, your health and safety is closely monitored with instant access to the physician and/or physician guidance when needed.

Become a Participant Today!

Clinical research trials/studies help determine treatments, and at times, find cures for diseases and conditions that affect many individuals.


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